Kendra Morris performing live @trafficrecordstore
on 5/2/23.

This performance is the debut of our newly launched video series entitled:

The 101 Sessions, Live From Traffic Records.

1: "Week Daze" 2: "Night Snake"

Thank you to @KENDRAMORRISMUSIC @ColemineRecords /Karma Chief & @KnittingFactoryEnt for their support.

Produced by: Manuel Barba & Ray Lynch
Video/Lighting/ Editing: Ray Lynch
Sound Engineer: Griffin Breshears
Animation: Ron Pippin

Traffic Recordings TR001

Trying something new...

Here it goes…
A little introduction is in order.

Hey everyone, It’s nice to be here sharing thoughts with you. The intention with this blog is to share information related mostly to music. If I do my job well, this space can be a place where you can learn a little more about this vinyl record culture we all love so much. If I really exceed with this goal, it’ll mean I’m learning right along with you. I’ve never done this before. Shall we?

My name is Manuel Barba and I am the founder, owner, sole proprietor, janitor, manager and steward of Traffic Record Store. This shop is a lovely (little) 400 square foot space I’ve carved out in Downtown Atascadero along California’s Central Coast. I must admit, I love what I do. It was my pesky habit of incessantly sharing music with folks, that lead me to eventually quit my day job and experiment with this for a spell. I’m not even sure I ever thought I’d get this far with it. Yet here we are almost three years later and stronger than ever.

This year has certainly dished out it’s share of challenges for all of us. Opening up a business in 2018 seemed like a fun, creative and rewarding experience at the time. Between pandemic, social unrest (much of which we endorse), economic uncertainty and all the other calamities of recent months/years, our little ‘record store that could’ saunters on. Not going to lie, it was touch and go there for a little bit but after several months earlier this year of pivoting…and re-pivoting…it seems like Traffic Records is on the precipice of something great. Like I said, we’re still here, heels dug in and unflinchingly burrowed for the foreseeable future.